I hear all the time, skincare is genetic. You have good skin because it’s in your genes, and the couldn’t be further from the truth. There was a time in my life that I had terrible skin. I mean HORRIBLE cystic acne on my face and back that I couldn’t seem to get to go away no matter what I tried. I started incorporating these five steps and before I knew it my skin started to clear up! Follow these steps to get the best clear radiant skin.

How to Get Clear Radiant Skin?

  1. Drink water
    I try to consume between 108 – 144 oz of water a day that’s a little over a gallon. Sometimes I don’t hit that number but as long as I’m pretty close I’m okay. Water helps flush out your gut and flush out the toxin build-up in your body. The more water you drink the more toxins and bacteria you will flush out which will result to brighter healthier skin.
  2. Eat clean including more fruits and vegetables
    Eating clean foods not only eliminates the poisons from processed foods in your diet. But it also helps get down that tummy bloat and rid toxins from your body. There goes the word “toxins” again. I know I use it a lot but it’s very important. Toxins are the main thing in the body that causes hormone imbalance in the body, which can lead to eczema, acne, dark marks, pimples, constipation and so much more. Eating clean and adding more fruits and veggies in your diet will work wonders on helping clear your skin from the inside out.
    3. Facial Wash
    You need to find a good facial wash that works well for your skin type. As you already know I live for African Black Soap that is the main thing I use on my skin that has helped and worked for me. I also use different products but someway somehow I always go crawling back to my #1 lifesaver. Talk the quiz linked below figure out your skin type and find out what products will work best for you!
    4. Exfoliate
    Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate. This will give you that glow you are looking for! Whether you use a chemical exfoliant, and a scrub brush or you shave your face once a month. I do all three LOL you need to exfoliate to get rid of all the dead skin cells and build-up on your skin. Exfoliating 1-2x a week will do depending on how sensitive your skin is.

5. Steam your face
This is a self-care step but a step non the less. If you have time to sit and pamper yourself 1x a week bu steaming your face do it. Steamers open up the pores and allow any product you put on your skin to sink deep inside giving you the best benefits and outcome from the product.
6. Moisturize
Moisturizers are a dime a dozen. Is so confusing to know which one to use and which is right for your skin type. Finding the right moisturizer will complete your skincare routine. I have dry skin so I love an oil-based moisturize that will sink deep into my pores and quench my skin, for someone with oily skin you want an oil-free moisturizer that is water-based. Hydro moisturizers will work best. Take the quiz below and find out what moisturizer will work for your skin type.

Skincare quiz

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