How to spend 2 days in Egypt – Harnessing the Energy of the Past: Mummies, Manifestation, and Turning Dreams into Reality

Going to Egypt has to be the most last minute thing Matthew and I have ever done! Initially we had a trip planned to Dubai and before soaking up the glitz and glamour of Dubai, I decided to seize the opportunity and venture into the mesmerizing mysteries of Egypt for a quick but unforgettable 48-hour escapade!

It cost around $400 roundtrip from Dubai to Egypt on Egypt Air our travel plans were to stay in Dubai for 10 days. It was a no-brainer to use some of that time and take a 3-hour flight to Egypt and spend a few days in Cario. After almost 20 hours of fly time, we finally made it to Egypt.

We had a crazy journey to get here but it was well worth it! In Egypt, history comes alive in every corner! From the legendary Pyramids of Giza to the enchanting Nile River.

Upon arriving in Cairo, I took a moment to ground myself and set my intentions for the transformative journey ahead. Driving through the city to get to Giza I took time to embrace the hustle and bustle energy of the ancient land and took time to visualize what things must have been like in the ancient days.


Day 1: The Great Pyramids and Sphinx

Begin your adventure at the Giza Plateau, where the Great Pyramids and Sphinx stand tall against the passage of time. You can’t help but be in awe of the grandeur of these architectural marvels. In the moment let their majestic presence ignite your own dreams. Spend time in contemplation, absorbing the wisdom of the ancient past, and meditate on the manifestation of your aspirations.

While at the great pyramids take an adventure to visit under the Pryamids, into the mummy chambers. you’ll find yourself standing in the most important chambers where past mummies of pharaohs, priests, and noble figures were held. This chamber carries crazy energy, reminding you of the legacy left behind and the dreams the ancient pharaohs once nurtured.

I booked this experience with Brother’s Pyramids more specifically Mohammad he put the entire trip together with a private car, a private guide and an itinerary of the best things to do while in Giza. Our Guide was amazing too! Reemo was very knowledgeable in the history of the city! Check out his site here. Brother’s Pyramids

Ask for Mohammad and tell him Diamond sent you! 🙂 WHATSAPP +20 111-888-5891

Sunset Panorama

As the day draws to a close, find a serene spot to witness the breathtaking sunset over the Pyramids. Matthew and I stayed in Pyramid Valley Boutique Hotel. It wasn’t the best accommodations but the rooftop view of the Pyramids are breathtaking this was the best view I could find. While witnessing the sunset over the ancient Pryamids I let the warm hues of the sky inspire a sense of gratitude and awe. I took a moment to express appreciation for the dreams that have already materialized in my life, while embracing the excitement of those yet to come.

Day 2: Visit the Egyptian Museum

As you step into the Egypt Museum in Cairo, you’re greeted by a sense of history and the whispers of the past. The museum stands as a guardian of ancient treasures, including mummies that hold the energy of long-gone eras. While inside take a moment to connect with the ambiance and allow the energy of the museum to stir your senses and awaken your inner desires.

In this Museum you’ll witness a collection of preserved human remains. As you approach the display cases, you’ll find yourself face-to-face with the mummies of pharaohs, and priests of the ancient past.

As I wandered through the museum’s exhibits, I absorb the stories of these mummies and the legacies they represent. Each mummy holds a unique narrative, reflecting the passions, accomplishments, and aspirations of individuals who once roamed the earth. While I was here I allow their stories to serve as reminders that dreams can be transformed into reality through dedication, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of one’s desires. 

Unveiling Ancient Beliefs and Meditation Inspired by Mummies

Like I did under the pyramid in the chambers of the mummies inside of the museum I found a quiet corner, closed my eyes, and reflected on the energy emanating from the mummies. I contemplated the dreams and aspirations of those who once walked the earth, and allowed their energy to infuse my  thoughts, creating a connection between their ancient wisdom and my  own desires. I visualized my dreams, and consumed myself with the feeling of excitement and fulfillment they will bring.

While exploring the museum, I had the opportunity to dive into the ancient Egyptian beliefs surrounding the afterlife and the power of manifestation. I discovered the rituals and ceremonies conducted to honor the deceased and their journey into eternity. 

The energy of these ancient beings has touched my spirit, igniting the flame of the future within me.

Time may be have been limited here, but we were determined to make every moment count! This mini random trip turned out perfect! The energy that filled Cairo let me know we have to come back to Egypt to explore Luxor and witness the “the valley of the kings” 


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